Monday 4 June 2012

Educational piece:

How to be a good mother..........                      

There is already a lot to cover when learning how to be the best parent you can be.  There are certain challenges a mother faces as a parent that are distinct from those of being a father.  Here follows a few tips of overcoming the problems and raise your children well.

1.  Be patient.
Being a mother is a little challenging sometimes.  Keep cool and try to stay patient.  Stay calm and
explain the practical reasons not to do something and the reason why you don't want them to do
2.  Take an interest in your child's interest.
If your son likes music buy him a guitar and watch him play.  Ask question e.g. what is your   
favorite type of music?  If your daughter is interested in fashion, take her out for a shopping spree.  \
Ask her what her favorite thing about fashion is?
3.  Don't be tight about money.
Do not say no to everything your kid asks for.
4.  Make sure you are an approachable person to talk to.
Try your hardest to always be understanding and a good listener.  Knowing that they can go to their
mom for friendship advice, information, homework help or just a hug goes a long way for kids.
5.  Be supportive and never laugh at your kids hobbies, interests or friends.
Do not get mad because thay have a different opinion to you.  You might not do what your kids do,
but that is their decision, not yours.  You have a big impact on their lives already - you choose what
school they go to, when they eat dinner and the amount of money they get a week.
6.  Respect your child's love for the other parent.
You should not be jealous of your child loving your husband.
7.  Lastly, love your children more than anything.
Without loving them, it means nothing whatever you do in your life.

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