Monday 28 May 2012

Saddest day of my life.


The saddest day in my life.  The day that my mother, my best friend and the person with whom I share the happiest moments of my life died.   Everthing was happiness and I lived in a beautiful world.  But a horrible moment arrived and everthing finished.  When I received the most confusing and saddest news in my life.

One morning at 06:00 I received the terrible news that I didn't understand.  My sister phoned me with the news that my mother had died.  She was ill and died of cancer.  I immediately went to my sister's house and the only thing I saw was the lonely bed of my mother.  In that moment I felt a sincere sadness in my heart.

After I had understood everything or tried to understand what had happened, my family and some friends of us met us at the church to say goodbye to my best friend and mother.  I had a feeling of confusion and loneliness.

I know that now I have a new angel, but I lost a friend, since that moment until now, I only have memories of that friend whom I spent happy moments in my life.  That day was the saddest in my life although I knew that in that moment I would have a great angel for the rest of my life!

1 comment:

  1. Sanine thank you for sharing such a personal memory with me! I don't know what I will do if I have to lose my granmother she is like a mother to me! I am glad that you have those lovely memories of your mom
