Monday 28 May 2012

Saddest day of my life.


The saddest day in my life.  The day that my mother, my best friend and the person with whom I share the happiest moments of my life died.   Everthing was happiness and I lived in a beautiful world.  But a horrible moment arrived and everthing finished.  When I received the most confusing and saddest news in my life.

One morning at 06:00 I received the terrible news that I didn't understand.  My sister phoned me with the news that my mother had died.  She was ill and died of cancer.  I immediately went to my sister's house and the only thing I saw was the lonely bed of my mother.  In that moment I felt a sincere sadness in my heart.

After I had understood everything or tried to understand what had happened, my family and some friends of us met us at the church to say goodbye to my best friend and mother.  I had a feeling of confusion and loneliness.

I know that now I have a new angel, but I lost a friend, since that moment until now, I only have memories of that friend whom I spent happy moments in my life.  That day was the saddest in my life although I knew that in that moment I would have a great angel for the rest of my life!

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Being a mom!

Being a mom!

In the beginning my days felt like a marathon disaster movie, starring me racing around after my toddler to prevent him from hurting himself.  My nights were a study in sleep deprivation, up every two hours. 

Today most weekday mornings, I wake up to the alarm blaring away and my son groggily mumbling, "Is it morning already mommy?" and followed by, "Five more minutes, please!" before tumbling back onto the bed and under the mountain of pillows.  How I wish I could just snuggle in with him and shut the world out!  But you cannot have everthing in life the way you want it to be.

On Saturdays and Sundays, when we sleep in, I still wake up to a small hand twirling my hair.  When I open my eyes, I'll be greeted with a huge smile, "Are you waking up mommy?  It's already morning and I want some porridge, please."

Time doesn't stand still.  I will look back on this period of my life with great fondness.  I love my children very much. 

It drives me up the wall when parents claim that being a parent (usually a mom) is the hardest job in the world.  I see it and hear it all the time.  I do not deny that being a parent, especially a good one actually worthy of the title, is difficult and comes with a number of unique challenges.  In fact, parenthood isn't even a job really, it's a lifestyle choice. 

I am proud of being a parent and to talk about the challenges that come with it!

Wednesday 16 May 2012

About me

My name is Sanine.  I been married to my amazing husband, Sakkie, since 9 February 2002.  We have two beautiful sons named Brian and Jacques, who is the center of our world.

Along with filling the roles as mom and wife, I am a current 3rd year full time student.  I am studying education in hoping of becoming a excellent teacher one day.

I started blogging as one of the projects received for my English class, but find the experience at this stage very excited and full of fun.  With this experience I can express my thoughts, opinions and share the exciting adventure that is my life.  With all these exciting things, family morals and values are extremely important to me.

Take a peek around, you might find a funny story or two or put a smile on your face.  I am going to share important moral and values with you the next few weeks and how a day is in the life of being a mom, wife and student.

This is just a glimpse into my mind and life!