Wednesday 16 May 2012

About me

My name is Sanine.  I been married to my amazing husband, Sakkie, since 9 February 2002.  We have two beautiful sons named Brian and Jacques, who is the center of our world.

Along with filling the roles as mom and wife, I am a current 3rd year full time student.  I am studying education in hoping of becoming a excellent teacher one day.

I started blogging as one of the projects received for my English class, but find the experience at this stage very excited and full of fun.  With this experience I can express my thoughts, opinions and share the exciting adventure that is my life.  With all these exciting things, family morals and values are extremely important to me.

Take a peek around, you might find a funny story or two or put a smile on your face.  I am going to share important moral and values with you the next few weeks and how a day is in the life of being a mom, wife and student.

This is just a glimpse into my mind and life!

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